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Digital Parenting
June 14, 2024

Technology Tips for Summer Break

Summer break is just around the corner. Here are our top tips for balancing screen time during downtime.

Digital Parenting
June 9, 2021

Privacy Policies Can Either Protect or Expose You. Here's What to Look For.

What exactly is a privacy policy and why is it important? We put together a guide to help you know what to look for when you're personal information is at stake.

Digital Parenting
April 16, 2021

4 Reasons Parents Should Think Twice About Instagram for Kids

Is Instagram for Kids a good idea? We look at four reasons that parents should consider passing on the new photo-sharing platform for children.

Digital Parenting
January 18, 2021

Why Kids Need a Safer Alternative than WhatsApp

With recent data privacy concerns, many parents are looking for a WhatsApp alternative that's safe for their families. Learn how a kid-friendly messenger can make a difference for your children!

Digital Parenting
October 21, 2020

What Parents Need to Know About Discord

Is Discord safe for kids? Because the chat platform is growing in popularity among younger users, many parents have questions. Here's what you should know.

Digital Parenting
September 17, 2020

Another Social Dilemma: Why Kids and Parents Need a Different Way to Connect

Social media has a time and a place—but there are a few reasons that kids and parents need an alternative when they want to share.

Digital Parenting
July 30, 2020

How to Choose an App for Kids

It can seem like an overwhelming task to vet everything your kids want to install—but asking yourself these five questions can help you determine whether an app is safe, constructive and worth your time.

Digital Parenting
March 18, 2020

5 Tips for Working from Home with Kids Around

Many parents are facing the perfect storm of remote work and school closures, making it difficult to carve out time for productivity. Here are some tips for how parents can work from home while schools are closed, and maintain some sense of sanity.

Digital Parenting
August 12, 2019

Four Teachers on Tech in the Classroom

Have you ever wondered how your kids are using their phones when you’re not around to supervise? We sat down with four teachers to learn what goes on when kids use tech outside the home—and what they’re doing to encourage good digital citizenship in their classrooms.

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